Thought Bubbles...

musings, rantings, and what-have-you, about my own small part of the world, and my 'sometimes' not so-ordinary life...something to read and reflect on, and which hopefully will bring a smile to your face... :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

December 26

While the rest of the household was still sleeping soundly and dreaming of holidays and toys and gifts, I was trudging off to work. I felt alone going to work, since traffic was very light. Getting to work, I was early as usual and so I didn’t expect many people to come in. But at 9a.m., there were still barely half of the staff in the office. Uh-oh. Hangover season.

It was a slowww day at work, which made it much more bearable for me. No ringing phones and I was able to finish the work that I planned to do. Not so bad going to work after all.

The highlight of my day? Going to the gym and after weighing myself, discovering that I lost 3 lbs! Imagine! What with all the parties and good food I gorged on (burp! Excuse me!) I still managed to lose weight! I was actually aiming low and was just thinking that maintaining my weight this month would be okay. But actually losing weight?! Wow! What a great reward. I felt so motivated that I did an extra set of crunches and additional reps using the weights. Whew.

And i think that green tea is really helping. I'll post about that on a later date. ;->