Thought Bubbles...

musings, rantings, and what-have-you, about my own small part of the world, and my 'sometimes' not so-ordinary life...something to read and reflect on, and which hopefully will bring a smile to your face... :)

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Pack Rat

My being a "pack rat" has finally caught up with me. This weekend, i spent the whole day cleaning out one of our bedrooms which had been converted into a stock room. In it were the kids' old toys, old stock (from my parents' buy and sell business), old furniture and appliances, newspapers, magazines, and all sorts of my, and my brother's stuff! My stuff were mostly photocopied journals which i used for my studies way, way back, as well as newspaper clippings which were even older than my kids! it was a mess!

We had originally planned to use this room as the kids' play/study/recreation room. They'd have their toys, books and what-have-yous all there in one area of the house. But alas, it had become more of a jungle than a play area, what with the old appliances and junk stored there.

I started the clean-up early, keeping the recyclables together. The kids' old toys, as well as brand new and old clothes from the US, i gave away. But most items i just put in an old box and threw away. Enough with sentimentality! They were taking up too much space in the house!

With the windows and screen cleaned, i could finally do away with my dust mask and breathe. When I finally finished cleaning up the whole room, it was already 4 p.m. Took a much-needed bath and rested. It felt good to have accomplished such a big task, that i didn't feel as tired as i had expected. Even had enough energy to cook spaghetti (from scratch, mind you!) for the kids. Now it's time to kick back, relax, watch tv, and enjoy reading my magazines. Ah! It was a weekend well spent. :)